Tallinn University of Technology

From 8 to 10 October, teams of two to five people will take part of the hackathon with a special task - to create digital data-based solutions that are helping to save the environment and move towards a sustainable future for the world. Register your digital genius team no later than September 30th.


A prize fund of 5,000 euros has been set up for the best teams, but the strongest participant will also be directly in the top 50 of Prototron.

The international competition DeepHack takes place virtually for three days. This means that the teams do not meet each other and communication with mentors and other participants also takes place via the Internet.

On the first and second day of the hackathon, the teams meet with mentors and active work towards the completion of the solution begins. On the third day, the teams will present the completed solutions.

Students interested in technology, data and the environment, representatives of start-ups and companies, and freelance specialists are welcome to compete. Also students from EuroTeQ partner universities are welcome to participate. In particular, the aim is to create innovative digital solutions that help facilitate energy savings and support the transition to a circular economy and more efficient use of resources.

Top-level mentors and renowned jury members

The role of the mentors is to support and assist the teams during the hacking by answering their questions and specifying the challenges. The mentors of the brainstorming sessions are Cleantech Estonia project manager Kadri Piho, Tallinn University of Technology technology transfer expert and patent commissioner Mart Enn Koppel, Tallinn Strategy Center data analyst Hanna-Greta Veersalu, TCachet founding member Kalle Palling, Rainophthe Head Mati Fjodorov, Cleantech Estonia CEO Erki Ani, and Enterprise Estonia's innovation finance team leader Kaido Sipelgas. The list may be extended.

The winner will be announced on the third day after the presentation of the final solutions to the jury members, Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Vice-Rector for Green Turn of Tallinn University of Technology, Toomas Türk, Innovation Manager of Tallinn, Ursel Velve, Innovation Manager of Ülemiste City, Kustaa Valtonen, Head of Development expert and researcher of the Thomas Johann Seebeck Institute of Electronics Alar Kuusik.

The competition is organized by TalTech together with EIT Digital, EIT Raw Materials and UltraHack. As such, this is the first similar competition in Estonia.

Competitors and ideas that need to be solved are expected until September 30. Sign up HERE.