Tallinn University of Technology

The BEC2022 conference on electronics and embedded systems, held in Tallinn from October 4 to 6, covers most of the topics where electronics play an important role.

BEC on sündmus, kus nii kogenud uurijad kui ka doktorandid esitavad rahvusvahelisele kogukonnale värskemaid uurimistulemusi.

The Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC), which is being held for the 18th time, is an event where both experienced researchers and doctoral students present the latest research results to the international community. Although the meeting takes place in a more relaxed atmosphere, presenting to an authoritative audience gives young researchers a good experience.

The presentations are divided between four topics: communication and cognition; cyber physical and network systems; energy conversion and converters; electronic devices and signal processing. The authors of the presented articles are from a total of 17 countries, and the international quality of the research results is ensured by following the IEEE rules of the sectoral international organization.

As usual, the BEC has numerous representatives of researchers from the Baltic countries, but representatives of research groups from Central Europe and Scandinavia also play a significant role. Some of the individual authors come from more exotic countries such as India, China, Pakistan, Egypt and Japan.

The conference, which is usually held over a year, is jointly organized by the Thomas Johann Seebeck Institute of Electronics and the Department of Computer Systems of Tallinn University of Technology. It is supported by several well-known equipment and component manufacturing companies such as Rohde&Schwarz, Testhouse Nordic and Lemona. The only Estonian electronics conference has also received support from the European Union through Startup Estonia.

The series of BEC conferences started in 1987, one of the goals of which is to deepen professional cooperation between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and expand the network of cooperation partners, has been called the Baltic Electronics Conference since 2006.