Tallinn University of Technology

The power system dynamics and control research group of the TTU Department of Electrical Power Engineering, in collaboration with Elering AS, investigates the nature of electrical loads and their impact on the Estonian power system.

According to the head of the research group, Associate Professor Jako Kilter, such load analysis is conducted for the first time in Estonia and the result of the research enables the network operators to make more precise power system calculations and allows them to better plan their investments in grids, substations and to other power system control devices.

"Understanding of the behaviour of electrical loads is extremely important, since the aim of constructing and operation of a power system is to meet consumer demand at any time. Similar studies conducted in the world so far have shown that conclusions drawn from power system calculations based on incorrect load data and models can be misleading, errors can amount to 30 %," Associate Professor Kilter explains.

The research is focused on examining (seasonal, weekly, daily) load changes in the Estonian transmission network and based on that the appropriate static and dynamic voltage and frequency dependent characteristics of loads are compiled, which can be directly used by network operators in their daily work. The input information used in the research includes the existing measurement data of network operators and when applicable further tests are carried out to determine typical consumer groups, their consumer behaviour and characteristics and the impact of potential distributed generation units (wind turbines, solar panels, etc.) on the characteristics of load buses.

"The results of the research help to make more optimal and rational investments in the Estonian power system and its operation in future and thus to improve significantly service reliability for electricity consumers," Associate Professor Jako Kilter adds.

Kersti Vähi, TTU Research Administration Office