Tallinn University of Technology

ITÜK, the student association of TalTech's School IT, organizes the sixth Internship Cafe on March 1 in cooperation with the School of IT, which creates an ideal meeting place for companies that want to invite students to internships.

IT-teaduskonna tudengielu on aktiivne ja mõtestatud.

To date, 15 companies have already registered, but there are still places for up to 10 organizations! You have until February 20 to register.

Among the registered companies are, for example, Ericsson Estonia, DevTailor Software, Eesti Energia, Swedbank, Telia, Wise, Agile Works, etc.

The free event, which takes place in the hall of TalTech's main building, is mainly attended by students from the School of IT, but students from other Schools who are interested in IT topics and want to educate themselves on this topic are also welcome.

The goal of the organizers is to create the best opportunities for an unforced and comfortable conversation on the spot. In the opinion of the project manager Sirely Veri, this is successful when both parties sit at the same table and during the conversation there is a good opportunity to share meaningful information and ask important questions.

Based on past experiences, the most optimal conversation time is about 15 minutes, which is enough time to establish contact and convey important information, but leaves the teams of organizations with the opportunity to meet as many students as possible. To create a comfortable atmosphere, participants are also offered coffee, tea and cookies.

Employers are invited in teams of up to four members. A specialist from the position or team where the trainees are expected could certainly be present. A team member's good communication skills will be useful in order to encourage even the more modest student to talk.

For additional information and a desire to participate, please write an e-mail to Kristiina Ranne, coordinator of cooperation projects at the School of IT, by February 20 at the latest.
