Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Estonian Foundation CR14 to collaborate on maritime cybersecurity research and development activities. 

This collaboration marks the beginning of a promising partnership with the prestigious institutions in Singapore. The parties involved are eager to work together in mutually beneficial areas to advance the development of maritime cybersecurity and related research and development (R&D) capabilities outlined in the MoU. 

Estonian Maritime Academy role in this partnership is multifaceted. The aim is to collaborate with partners from Estonia and Singapore on joint R&D projects and develop testbed experiments in cybersecurity on the MariOT system (Maritime Testbed of Shipboard Operational Technology System), both independently and in collaboration with partners from both countries. Additionally, to seek support faculty and talented student mobility schemes with the Maritime and Port Authority, Singapore Maritime Institute, and Singapore University of Technology and Design, aiming to enhance professional development and foster cooperation between institutions. 

Roomet Leiger, the director of the Estonian Maritime Academy explains the importance of the topic: “Estonian Maritime Academy is committed to providing expert knowledge in the field of maritime cybersecurity and undertaking activities that strengthen academic and professional connections between partners from Estonia and Singapore. Through these efforts, we aim to deepen collaboration and contribute to the advancement of maritime cybersecurity on an international scale. By fostering strong partnerships and knowledge exchange between institutions in Estonia and Singapore, we anticipate innovative breakthroughs in cybersecurity technologies and practices tailored specifically to the maritime domain. Ultimately, our collective endeavors will play a pivotal role in safeguarding maritime operations against emerging cyber threats, ensuring the resilience and security of global maritime networks well into the future.” 

The signing of the MoU took place on 16th of April 2024 at the Accelerating Decarbonisation and Digitalisation Conference in Singapore as part of the Singapore Maritime Week events. 

Foto: Estonian Business and Innovation Agency
