Tallinn University of Technology

This year, the International Earth Science Olympiad took place virtually on 25-30 August with 185 students from 34 countries participating. The Estonian seven-member team brought home as many as 16 medals, including both individual and team gold medals.

MT olümpiaad 2021

According to Professor Alvar Soesoo from TalTech Department of Geology and chairman of the jury of the Estonian Earth Sciences Olympiad, all students representing Estonia in the previous two years have brought home medals, but previously only silver and bronze. Our students are at the top of the world with their knowledge of Earth Sciences. All Estonian competitors achieved outstanding results in the Data Mining Test and reached the top three.

In addition to individual contests, the Olympiad also included several team competitions, in which Estonians also excelled. One of the most important team competitions this year was the National Team Field Investigation. “Students had to use modern research tools to perform the task, analyse the data obtained and prepare a presentation. Within a few days, the Estonian team studied the natural processes related to the decay of graptolite argillite on the Pakri Peninsula. The research topic and presentation were so successful that the Estonian team was the first in the category "excellent" and received a lot of praise from the evaluators," said Soesoo.

The instructors of the Estonian students were Professor Alvar Soesoo from TalTech Department of Geology and Sigrid Hade from Gaia Natura. Siim Nirgi from the Estonian Geological Survey and Siim Pajusaar from the TalTech Department of Geology were of great help in the field research.
The preparation of the Estonian team was coordinated by the TalTech Department of Geology and sponsored by the Department of Geology of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Geological Survey.

Photos from the Field Investigation

Additional information
TalTech Department of Geology
+372 5121131