Tallinn University of Technology

The exhibition in the library’s glass gallery is open until 31 December 2020. The National Research Award 2020 in technical sciences was given to Marina Trapido (team leader), Niina Dulova, Marina Kritševskaja and Sergei Preis for the research cycle “Developing advanced oxidation technologies to solve modern environmental problems: from heavily polluted industrial wastewater to micropollutants in air and water”. 

The team from the TalTech Department of Materials and Environmental Technology studied the mechanism of advanced oxidation technologies and their implementation to remove different micropollutants from the air, water and wastewater. The main directions of the research were new types of pollutants, determination of their degradation mechanisms and intermediates; new oxidation systems and UV-light and visible light active catalysts; possibilities of advanced activation and acceleration of oxidation processes; evaluating the impact of reaction environment (matrix) on the effectiveness of degradation; combining the processes of advanced oxidation with other purification processes to generate maximum purification effect with lesser costs; the possibilities of implementing these processes to purify industrial wastewater that is heavily polluted and with low biodegradability; innovative idea to use electrical discharge plasma technology to remove pollutants. 

On display are the main findings of the research as well as items and pictures of the everyday work of the researchers. 

The exhibition was compiled by Marina Trapido, Janelle Kirss, Signe Jantson, and designed by Tiia Eikholm.