Tallinn University of Technology

The best student research works were announced in December. The national awards were given out in three levels of study, and in six fields. In addition, many special awards were given out as well.  

TalTech’s best in the field of technology: 

Applied higher education and bachelor’s studies: 

Monatary prize (960 euros) - Stanislav Jeršov 

Notable research – Anete Holter 

Master’s studies: 

Monetary prize (1600 euros) - Karolina Kudelina 

Monetary prize (700 euros) - Guido Andreesen 

Notable research – Kertu Lepiksaar 

Notable research – Roland Rokka and Tauri Udras 

Doctoral studies:  

Monetary prize (1300 euros)  - Abayomi Oluwabi 

Monetary prize (700 euros) - Balpreet Kaur 

Jaak Aab, the minister of education and research, thanked all the participants acknowledged them for their time put into their works. The award fund for this year was 79’877,79 Euros which is 2200 Euros more than last year.

The competiton is organized by the Estonian Research Council in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research.