Tallinn University of Technology

The largest green technology and sustainable innovation conference of the region, GreenEST Summit will take place in Tallinn Creative Hub (Kultuurikatel) on the 26th and 27th of October. Once again top players will gather in Estonia to accelerate the #GreenTransformation. This time, the revolution will be given momentum together in the areas of mobility, energy, industrial AI and robotics, circular economy and untapped resources.

GreenEST Summit 2022 logo
GreenEST Summit 2022

Honored researcher, student, administrator, manager, investor, startup, a colleague with a sustainable mindset!

Why undertake growing into a sustainable company in the first place?
What is the starting point for planning and organizing the green turn?
How to revise your business models into greener ones?
What steps to actually take in the company?
How to solve energy demand without jeopardizing environmental goals?
How do we adapt to risk scenarios?
How to use the crisis opportunities for a development leap?
How to make the most expedient decisions in the medium and long term in the abundance of options?

These and many other questions will be answered during presentations and panels by nearly 30 speakers, including top managers, study authors and influencers from both the public and private sectors around the world. Representatives of eFuel Alliance, OpenTabs, DHL, TalTech, Gelatex, Arbonix, Skeleton Technologies, EAS, Foxway, UpCatalyst and others will be presenting. The key note speaker is Yesika Aguilera from Tespac, TalTech's experiences will be shared by the Vice-Rector for Green Transition Helen Sooväli-Sepping, and Sustainable Mining Project Manager Tony Hand.

Additional information and registration on the GreenEST Summit website.

Those willing to contribute to the conference in a volunteering capacity in the fields of either marketing, production, logistics or stage management – please let the organisers know via this form .
