Tallinn University of Technology

The web platform Coursera is offering Estonian residents the opportunity to learn and receive a free certificate for completing online courses from the world's top universities and technology companies such as Stanford, Duke, Yale, Google, IBM, and many more. This is the Coursera Workforce Recovery Initiative program, which Estonia has joined to offer a limited number of participants an opportunity to obtain a free qualification until the end of October. There are a total of over 4000 courses to choose from.

The TOP 10 most popular courses so far:

  1. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
  2. Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Business
  3. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
  4. The Science of Well-Being
  5. Introduction to Psychology
  6. Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity              
  7. Crash Course on Python
  8. Write Professional Emails in English
  9. Marketing in a Digital World
  10. Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS

How to participate in the free Coursera courses?

  1. Completing the courses requires sufficient skills in English or Russian.
  2. The program can only be joined by pre-registering here because Coursera does not offer access directly to people under this program, but only to countries that have joined the program. Within two working days of registering, you will receive an email with a link through which you can access the platform for free.
  3. Registration for courses lasts until 28.10.2020, or until they are full, and to receive a free certificate of completion, a course must be completed on 31.12.2020 at the latest.
  4. Learning must begin within two weeks of gaining access.

Free learning to relieve the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is supported by the Coursera Workforce Recovery Initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and Eesti Töötukassa.

The program can only be joined through pre-registering here.

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