The role of technology in the legal field, including the impact of artificial intelligence, will be one of the main topics discussed at the legal technology conference FutureLaw2023 at the end of May, co-organised by TalTech.
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26.-27. mail Tallinnas toimuv mainekate esinejatega konverents on siinmail esimene omataoline. Koostöös õigustehnoloogia ettevõttega LEGID Academy ja Euroopa Õigustehnoloogia Assotsiatsiooniga (ELTA) toimuvad kahe päeva jooksul õigustehnoloogiateemalised üritused.
The conference, which will take place in Tallinn on 26–27 May, will be the first of its kind in Estonia and will feature renowned speakers. In cooperation with the legal technology company LEGID Academy and the European Legal Technology Association (ELTA), two days of events on legaltech will take place.
FutureLaw 2023 is the largest legal event in the Baltics and Northern Europe, bringing together over 300 participants and top legal experts from across Europe. The conference will provide legal practitioners, junior lawyers, and law students with an excellent opportunity to learn from the brightest minds in the legal field and to explore the latest developments and trends shaping the future of legal practice. Sessions will cover a wide range of topics: legaltech, artificial intelligence, legal design, legal techniques, legal activities, court actions, intellectual property, etc.
‘We are delighted to bring together some of the brightest minds in the legal and legaltech sector to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid pace of technological change,’ said Valentin Feklistov, conference organiser and CEO of LEGID Academy. ‘This conference is an amazing opportunity for legal professionals to learn from each other, share their experiences, and gain valuable insights into the future of our field.’