Tallinn University of Technology

The students of Tallinn University of Technology celebrated the 100th anniversary of TalTech’s Student Body. The Student Body awarded 11 people with their Honorary Decorations. The Golden Honorary Decoration “FIDELIS STUDIOSUS” were awarded to the former rector Jaak Aaviksoo and Gerlin Gil, the former chairman of the Student Body.  

The Honorary Decorations are the highest awards of the Student Body. The decorations are given to outstanding people whose contribution towards the Student Body has had an immense impact. There are three Honorary Decorations in total:  

Golden Honorary Decoration “FIDELIS STUDIOSUS” 

The highest reward of TalTech Student Union, which is awarded to an outstanding person, who has served as a great role model for others and who has significantly contributed to TalTech Student Union. The awarding of the Golden Honorary Decoration will be decided by the Representative Body based on the unanimous resolution of the Committee. The Golden Honorary Decoration was awarded to: 

Jaak Aaviksoo- TalTech's rector from 2015-2020. He conducted large scale reforms and changes which increased the university’s reputation and its quality of study. 

Gerlin Gil- Chairman of the Student Body 2017-2020. She was an excellent student representative in TalTech as well as in national level. She also was the moving force of the student movement and student life in TalTech. 

Silver Honorary Decoration “FIDELIS STUDIOSUS” 

This decoration is awarded to a person who has served as a role model for TalTech Student Body or who has greatly contributed to TalTech Student Body Student Union in his or her field or organisation. Silver Honorary Decoration was awarded to:  

Kristen Oliver Rattasepp 

Erik Teder 

Jasmin Michelle Mursula 

Bronze Badge or Mission Badge “FIDELIS STUDIOSUS” 

This badge is awarded to a person who has contributed to the activities of TalTech Student Body on a long-term basis and can be seen as a role model for others. Bronze Badge was awarded to:  

Märten Puust 

Erle Maido 

Ilja Samoilov 

Kersti Rätsep 

Ergo Eesmaa 

Karl Tammkõrv 

The Student Body of Tallinn University of Technology has given out Honorary Decorations since 2005. 
