Tallinn University of Technology

In a survey conducted last year among European University Alliances, all European University consortia were asked about their activities and results. Six European University Alliances were highlighted for their good and exemplary practices, and they are presented to the European Commission as well as to other European University consortia: Among the six highlighted is EuroTeQ, which was praised for its exemplary data collection and monitoring.

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EuroTeQ has made data collection and monitoring a priority since the founding of the consortium and is an excellent example of how to use visualization tools and technologies to display institutional research data. Being aware of different contexts and understanding each partner's starting points is key to using indicators for learning and self-improvement. 

"EuroTeQ uses PowerBi to visulise quantitative data. We have defined project KPIs together with Work Package leads. The data collection aims to see the activities' effectiveness and the numbers' growth. In addition, we collect qualitative data with feedback questionnaires and interviews that help us look behind the number and improve our activities," said Aet Michelson, the EuroTeQ project manager in TalTech.