Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech’s Digital Health podcast explores issues related to the digitisation of healthcare in parallel with smart change management. The podcast features guests who are experts in the field of health care from Estonia and abroad, who share their experiences on how to implement changes in healthcare and what they should consist of at the level of systems, organisations, and individuals.

In the first episode, Dr. Diana Ingerainen shares with the audience her experiences of adapting to changes both as a doctor and as the head of an organisation.  The first episode also explores the role of technology in empowering physicians with better digital tools, as well as what the future might hold for health management.

Other guests on the first episode include Ain Aaviksoo, chief medical officer at Guardtime, Triin Habicht, healthcare financing expert at the WHO, Ksenia Kapoor, a senior director at a digital health enterprise in the US, and Uku Vainik, visiting professor from the Montreal Neurological Institute. The following episodes of the podcast feature Taavi Einaste, partner at Nortal, and Tarmo Pihl, founder of MinuDoc.

According to the host Priit Kruus, the intended audience of the podcast includes both current and future e-health students at TalTech, as well as everyone spearheading changes in healthcare.  “It is suitable for anyone with a general interest in the field of healthcare and health innovation,” claimed Kruus.

The podcast features actors in the field of healthcare from a variety of backgrounds: researchers, healthcare workers, entrepreneurs, public officials, innovation managers, etc. The podcast is presented in an easily accessible format to help introduce the topic of health innovation to a wider audience, while also supplementing and reinforcing the existing e-health study programme. This is achieved through discussions with experienced experts, which are aimed at elucidating which healthcare stakeholders and financing and service models are important in the implementation of new technologies and which solutions could best aid the implementation of innovations.

The Digital Health podcast is available in both English and Estonian, depending on the guest and topic. The first five episodes are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Pocket Casts.

TalTech’s e-health master’s programme is a unique study programme in Europe, providing a wide range of skills and knowledge in healthcare, IT, medicine, economics, law, public administration, entrepreneurship, and other areas related to the digitisation of health care. Upon completion of the e-health study programme, graduates will be equipped to act as change managers, who know how to analyse, develop, and implement new technologies and digital solutions in healthcare.

Saatejuhi Priit Kruusi sõnul on podcasti sihtrühmaks nii praegused ja tulevased E-tervise õppekava tudengid kui ka laiemalt inimesed, kes tervishoius erinevaid muudatusi veavad