Tallinn University of Technology

Today, on 7 October, the green policy expert group advising the government will convene for the first time. One of the members of the expert group is Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Vice-Rector of the Green Transition of TalTech.

Helen Sooväli-Sepping

The aim of the expert group is to make proposals to the government committee, on the basis of which the committee can approve/prepare a comprehensive, balanced and realistic action plan that has been discussed with stakeholders to successfully implement the green transition in Estonia. The action plan must take into account the strategic goals arising from Estonia 2035, EU trends, as well as Estonia's international obligations. “The question is what needs to be done in order for Estonia to become a country with a good living environment, a successful and future-proof economy and well-preserved ecosystems, where the risks related to climate change are as small as possible,” Sooväli-Sepping explained.

In order to achieve this goal, the expert group must, among other things, formulate the nature of the green transition for Estonia, including its basic principles and the most important areas. The final report must be completed by February of next year. To ensure broad coverage of sectors and competencies, the 15-member expert group includes researchers, entrepreneurs, and experts from other fields.
