September is almost over, which means that it would be a good moment to make a short summary of the current state of the Rector's Cup.

Since the TalTech Relay Race, which was supposed to take place on 22.09, was postponed to the spring of 2023, the current results only come from the pentathlon of student organizations that took place on September 9. As previously announced, activity points will be added retrospectively in November, when this year's university membership statistics will be officially published.
Rector's Cup results (as of 26.09, without activity points):
I place: Estonian Maritime Academy (120p)
II place: School of IT (106p)
III place: School of Engineering (92p)
IV place: School of Business and Governance (80p)
V place: School of Science (32p)
Pentathlon Estonian World Championships of the Student Organizations of Tallinn University of Technology results:
- Kaitseväe Akadeemia (VA)
- Poiseidoni vägi, Mereakadeemia
- Pühapäevas suslikud, BEST
- Ivo Sahtel
- TÕKA TÕKA Sõdalased (VA)
- Stina ja pärdikud, Best
- TiVo
- ÜE kiisud, ÜE
- The Blackouts, ESN
- Domineerivad sirklid, INSÜK
- Ennu inglid
- LÜKkame ümber, LÜK
- Rahaboss
- Mimmu mobiil
- Kuljus II
- Mereka mömmid, Mereakadeemia
- Kuljus I
- FurryKlubi
- LüKka ja tõmba, LÜK
- Turundusklubi
- Väitlusklubi
- Laululinnud
- Teravad Pliiatsid, INSÜK
The next stage of the Rector's Cup, quiz night, will take place on October 18 at 19:00 in the TalTech Sports Centre.
Questions about te Rector's Cup: