Tallinn University of Technology

The University of Technology warmly invites all its employees, students and alumni to a brainstorming session on November 12 to jointly develop ideas that would help to create donation habits within the university family.

Koosloome üleskutse

As part of the brainstorming session, we received a number of ideas that would greatly benefit today's and future students, staff and alumni. Everyone is welcome to join teams of good ideas to achieve great results in a joint effort of people with various skills and experiences.

The ideas to be solved in the workshops partly overlap, but the presenters of the ideas have such different backgrounds that the teams can come up with even more interesting solutions within the framework of the brainstorming session.

The following ideas will be addressed on the day of the session:

  • Packaging collection containers at the university – the students, lecturers and staff produce a great deal of packaging and currently there is no place on the university campus to dispose of it in a sustainable manner. The idea is to create places and a system for collecting packaging and channeling the money obtained as a result to a student and/or research project.
  • Donation wall for the university – in the course of the project, a ‘donation wall’ will be created at the university, through which the entire university family can quickly and easily donate by means of contactless payment. The criteria for success are a good location as well as a convenient and fast solution. On the ‘wall’ it is possible to donate to specific projects.
  • A ‘tough nut to crack’ for students – an environment for donating exciting cases or ‘tough nuts to crack’ from which teachers receive new and topical cases for students to solve. The ‘tough nuts to crack’ are provided by companies and organisations. Raising awareness through alumni. A system for sending back the student solutions to the ‘tough nuts to crack’ to those that provided them.
  • TalTech Brighter Giving – creation of a donation platform that would work similarly to Kickstarter. Ideas for projects requiring donations can be voted on and projects with a higher number of votes will be displayed ahead of others. Carrying out e-mail campaigns to gain supporters.
  • Digital donation environment – an alumni who wants to contribute to the future success of the university and Estonia does not currently have a quick and easy solution to make a donation. The goal is for each alumni or university friend to be able to find a donation opportunity using a public search engine requiring just five clicks and then make a donation with another three clicks.
  • Alumni to support the university – how to reach alumni? What actually matters to them? Active and strategic communication with alumni. The goal is to achieve in a few years’ time a situation where 5% of the alumni are permanent donors of the university.
  • Supporting science by means of a permanent donation – getting the students to donate by creating a convenient permanent donation system. If every student donated even one euro per month, it would already amount to 10,000 euros a month.

Co-creation is a great way to develop exciting new solutions with people you do not work with or learn together on a daily basis. Be prepared for positive surprises and exciting cooperation!

See the brainstorming session agenda and register for the brainstorming session taking place on November 12!


How exactly are the ideas implemented? · We were presented with several ideas, from which we picked seven ideas.

  • The brainstorming session will take place on November 12. Project plans are completed for implementing the ideas.
  • The jury will evaluate the project plans and in early December we will announce 1–3 ideas for implementation in the first half of 2022.
  • These ideas will receive expert advice and funding of up to 10,000 euros according to the budget. 

Donation is the first topic of TalTech's new annual co-creation initiative, which will specify the challenges and seek respective solutions in one specific sphere. In 2022, we will be co-creating solutions on a new topic