Tallinn University of Technology

From May 8th to 12th, 2024, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) annual conference ISEV2024 took place in Melbourne, bringing together experts in the field of extracellular vesicles from all over the world.

Inge Varik ja Agne Velthut Meikas Rahvusvahelise Rakuväliste Vesiikulite Ühingu aastakonveretsil
Inge Varik and Agne Velthut Meikas

Inge shared her impressions of the conference as follows: „Having dedicated most of my doctoral studies to the research of extracellular vesicles, I have become familiar with a vast amount of related literature and some scientists' names have become familiar. Attending the conference has allowed me to match faces with the names. Surprisingly, I discovered that a scientific conference can also be fun – presentations were filled with silly jokes, there was a humorous debate that had everyone bent over laughing, under the guise of a networking event, a huge party took place at a club instead, and as the icing on cake, scientists in kangaroo costumes took the stage in the final minutes of the conference. Something positive that I noticed was the significant participation of early stage researchers. The conference organization team included the student organization SNEV (Student Network on Extracellular Vesicles), which organized several events aimed at young people, including meetings with vesicle experts and career discussions.

Reproduktiivbioloogia liikmed koos HansaBioMed meeskonnaga
Reproductive biology group with the team of HansaBioMed Life Sciences

In addition, there were other participants at ISEV2024 from Estonia: the team of HansaBioMed Life Sciences together with Paolo Guazzi, the co-supervisor of Inge's project, had undertaken the long journey, allowing for discussing new collaboration opportunities between the academic and private sector. In conclusion, the ISEV2024 conference provided an opportunity for professional development and networking.