Tallinn University of Technology

Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Estonia and the Estonian Banking Association, as the leaders in the field, recognized within the framework of the "Financial Wisdom Locomotive" competition the individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to Estonian people's money-handling skills  The purpose of the recognition is to highlight long-term positive impact activities and actors in bringing money wisdom to people.

Kristjan Liivamägi
Kristjan Liivamägi

The title of Money Wisdom Teacher of the Year 2023 was awarded to Kristjan Liivamägi, a Senior Lecturer at TalTech School of Business and Governance, who consistently imparts money wisdom knowledge and skills to his students and encourages other educators to do the same.

 Read more at: https://www.fi.ee/et/uudised/tunnustati-rahatarkuse-edendajaid

 If you would also like access to the best knowledge in the field of finance, you should study at the TalTech School of Business and Governance.