Tallinn University of Technology

At the seminar “Smart Sea”, Director of the Kuressaare College of the Tallinn University of Technology Merit Kindsigo presented an ambitious plan for the future.

Merit Kindsigo
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Kuressaare Kolledži direktor Merit Kindsigo

Namely, there are plans to create a centre for the blue economy at the college, which would unite the demands and needs of researchers, entrepreneurs, local government and the state.

“We take all the information, systematise it layer by layer, enter it into a dynamic model, and add the differences and the requests of entrepreneurs,” Kindsigo explained. “This results in a complex and comprehensive model analysis with vision options, i.e. solutions that are as practical, feasible, sustainable and as climate-neutral as possible.” According to the director, their goal is to provide solutions that support all parties, regardless of whether the issue relates to the marine environment, harbours, marine equipment (wind turbines, vessels) or other matters relating to the sea.

“Everything expressed at the vision seminar “Smart Sea” can be considered a beacon that will reflect the seven blue economy goals of the Kuressaare College, and thus also the Tallinn University of Technology as a whole,” claimed Rector of TalTech Tiit Land. “It is clear that right now we have to dream strategically, according to the complexity of the challenges, i.e. smartly and taking into account the challenges of energy and sustainability.”

According to the rector, success in the blue economy requires cooperation between the Estonian state, local governments of the islands, the strong business community of Saaremaa, and other universities interested in the issue. Director of the college Merit Kindsigo stated that Minister of the Environment Madis Kallas, rural municipality mayor of Saaremaa Mikk Tuisk, and interested entrepreneurs who spoke at the vision seminar, will be contacted in the near future to determine the sequence of preferences, assemble the team and begin writing the first project proposal. Additionally, preparations have begun for cooperation with the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada.

See photos of the vision seminar HERE and video HERE.

Additional information:

Merit Kindsigo, Director of Kuressaare College, merit.kindsigo@taltech.ee

Sulev Oll, Head of Strategic Communication at TalTech sulev.oll@taltech.ee, phone +372 511 2548