Tallinn University of Technology

The highest recognition of folk dance- Ullo Toom Folk Dance Scholarship, was merited by Marina Kuznetsova on the 14th of September. The award is traditionally given out on the birthday of Ulla Toom. 

Ullo Toom Scholarship was given out for the 33rd time this year. This year's laureate, Marina Kuznetsova, has carried out a significant work in the field of dance in Estonia. She has taught folk dance to children and youngsters for many years, being the leader of Pelgulinna Gymnasium dance groups, an organizer of nationwide folk dance festival for school students and also being one of the leading figures in the famous Song and Dance Festival. Since the year 2000, Marina Kuznetsova has been the artistic leader of TalTech's folk dance group "Kuljus". 

She also has a remarkable role in introducing Song and Dance Festival to foreign people.