Tallinn University of Technology

New architects from TalTech – a selection of master theses exhibited in Näitus Gallery

AU lõputööd 3

A selection of master theses of the new graduates from the Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies at TalTech are exhibited in Näitus Disaini ja Arhitektuuri Gallery, Pärnu mnt 6.

Angelina Šilova’s thesis presents a thorough analysis on the extension for the National Opera in Tallinn. Balancing between the functional synergies, cityscape and heritage protection, the thesis presents a carefully considered solution based on an extensive room program, providing a valuable feasibility study for the topical idea of extending the opera house. 

Jelena Kazak’s research thesis is a profound analysis on wind comfort on selected urban spaces in the Ülemiste city. She applies simulation in defining the problematic spots within the selected urban spaces as well as in form-finding for small-scale shelters – and finally in the verification of results, providing convincing evidence on essential improvements in comfort on the sites most exposed to wind.

Vincent Marquardt has reprogrammed the soviet-time grain silo building in Nõmme. The thesis analyses the opportunities of cohousing in the Estonian context, and presents a flexible modular system of residential units for the silo building, based on the existing structural grid.

The big changes of the construction sector are also visible in master theses. Circular economy is the predominant perspective in the projects of Emily Zavatski and Ervin Golvih. Emily Zavatski’s thesis examines the panel houses of Lasnamäe as a manifestation of modernistic city planning agenda, and presents a renewal plan for an urban block in Lasnamäe, with the aim of upgrading the quality of urban spaces, taking steps from suburban towards urban qualities. Based on an on-going competition, Ervin Golvih has worked on a program that combines a local recycling centre with the museum of apocalypse in Iceland.

The theses exhibition also takes us to other distant locations:  Rasmus Soonvald has designed a community center for a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Marta Volcheck develops a concept for an entirely new building type, a gaming centre, with a site in Tokyo, Japan. Daniella Ljahh’s designed a house of orphans in Oslo, based on the programme of the recent architecture competition. Daniella Ljahh participated the open international architecture competition with her thesis project and won the first prize.

The master thesis of Greta Anet Ojavee applies the „housing first“ approach to provide homes for the homeless, outlining a process and a pathway for marginalized people back to active members of society. Greta Anet Ojavee demonstrates this approach in her design for a new housing block, making a strong statement also with the proposed location in Tallinn. The thesis of Greta Anet Ojavee was awarded with Irina Raud award as the best master thesis among the 20 master theses in architecture at TalTech (2021–22).

Up to 500 viewers followed the the 3-day thesis defense as live stream from at the Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies. The recordings can be viewed in Youtube:

Day 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjvl_RXBpUU

Day 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqvJXShVF2c

Day 3 https://youtu.be/Cg1aFtZW2vQ

The Master thesis exhibition at the Design and Architecture Gallery is open between the 14th of June and the 2nd of July, from Monday to Saturday, at 12–18.