Tallinn University of Technology

In cooperation with the company Recrur, the School of Business and Governance of TalTech has created a unique internship mediation environment for employers and the school’s students. The main advantages of the portal are its user-friendliness and automated solutions.

All communication from applying to recruitment has been moved to the online portal in a systematic manner.

Why should employers use the portal?

  • Entering an offer is quick and simple.
  • Managing applicants, creating a talent base, and giving instant feedback have been brought into a single environment.
  • All data can be analysed and made into statistics conveniently.
  • Employers, the university, and the students have a detailed overview of the entire recruitment process.
  • The environment is specialised on recruiting students.

The talented interns of TalTech help employers to decrease the labour shortage problem. ‘Estonia is short of qualified labour. TalTech platform grants employers access to competent young people who are highly motivated and have obtained high-quality education in the field,’ said Marit Alaväli, CEO of Recrur.

‘This platform is a special and unique application in Estonia, creating a clear and transparent bridge between students and employers. In this new environment, students can apply for internship positions and jobs themselves and lay the foundation for their future career,’ said Laura Lõhmus, project manager of the internship portal from TalTech School of Business and Governance.

Currently, the users of the internship portal include employers and the students of the TalTech School of Business and Governance, but there are plans to include other students of the university in the portal in the future.

The portal allows employers to easily recruit young talent in business administration, economic analysis, marketing, political science, law, and many other fields.

The internship portal is available here: https://sbg.career.taltech.ee/student;currentPage=0;pageSize=15;sortByProperty=createdAt;sortOrder=DESC;filterByCategory=;filterByWorkingTime=;filterByStatus=ACTIVE
