Tallinn University of Technology

Niccolò Veltri, research fellow at the Department of Software Science of Tallinn University of Technology, is the winner of the Young IT Scientist Award granted by the President of Estonia.

Niccolò Veltri

The research carried out by Veltri is focused on software reliability theory, methods, and tools. In addition to developing the theoretical foundations of functional programming, Veltri also has fully programmed and formalised the developed theory.

“I think it is wonderful that we can celebrate and recognise the diversity of Estonian research. It is sign of the country’s strength when each scientific field generates capable young people who not only advance the frontiers of knowledge, but also help to ensure that our country has the knowledge and capacity needed to tackle the challenges important to Estonia. Be it a matter of vessel security at sea, the restoration of bogs, or the development of the most reliable software,” claimed President Alar Karis at the award ceremony of the research awards.

Awards are granted to researchers of up to 35 years of age who are conducting their research in an Estonian or foreign research institution or university. The amount of the award is 5,000 euros: the Young Scientist Award is funded by Väino Kaldoja, the Young IT Scientist Award by Microsoft Development Centre Estonia, and the Young Environmental Scientist Award by Chocolala OÜ.

Read more about Niccolò Veltri’s research here.