Tallinn University of Technology

Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance has organised Reading Seminars every semester since 2017 with the aim to discuss interesting texts, exchange ideas and dwell on different perspectives of a specific topic. Past topics include the Philosophy of Technology and the Philosophy of Public Administration.

During the 2021 Spring semester, the Reading Seminar’s programme will focus on the topic of "Science in the Making" by discussing texts which tackle the existential questions around science: pseudoscience and science denial, the questions around the application of science, academic publishing and the nature of academia in today’s fast-changing world.

The Reading Seminar sessions will be held online once a month and when possible, the author will also join the discussion.

Everyone interested in the general topic or attending a specific session are welcome to join!

The whole semester programme is available here.

If you wish to participate, please contact us by sending an email to mariliis.trei@taltech.ee