Tallinn University of Technology

Can you imagine that soon we will be able to access completely different worlds whenever we want to? The metaverse is at the moment most known in the field of computer games but more and more big tech companies are investing into the development of the metaverse. In the metaverse, we would be able to build cities, attend concerts and meet friends in a digital world. Can you imagine that you could meet up in a café or own a house in a parallel world?

Metaverse Unsplashist

The concept of a global metaverse is becoming potentially alluring, with the capacity to transform the way we work, play and socialize. But what exactly would be the impacts of the metaverse? What kind of aspects do we need to consider? In our seminar we will explore, along with renown experts, what will be the social, legal and economic impacts of this concept.

TalTech Legal Lab invites you to join our event and become a part of our network!

Among others questions, we will try to find answers to the following: 

  • What kind of technological progress is needed for metaverse to become a part of our everyday lives? 
  • Can we own property in the metaverse? 
  • What will be the implications of having a separate identity in the metaverse? 
  • Would metaverse mean the end of nation states? 

Participants in the panel discussion:

Dan Shefet - French lawyer born in Denmark, Dan Shefet holds a Philosophy Degree and a Law Degree from the University of Copenhagen. In 2014 he founded the Association for Accountability and Internet Democracy (AAID). Dan is Specialized in European Law, Competition Law as well as Human Rights in general and in the IT environment in particular, he also gives conferences in academic venues on IT Law, Data Privacy and Human Rights on the internet.

Kadri Haljas, PhD – Kadri has received her PhD in psychology from the University of Helsinki. Her research has focused on different psychological disorders. She is also the CEO of  Triumf Health, a company developing a platform to help children combat mental health issues.  

Martin Karner – has extensive background in management consulting as well as international trade. Martin has been working for several years as the head of eJustice and eGovernment Services of Net Group Ltd, a key a software development and business consultancy company. Martin has also worked as the Country ICT Strategy Manager for the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

Tea Kookmaa - CEO of TalTech Legal Lab and sworn attorney at NJORD Law Firm. Tea specializes in IT law and data protection and is also a renown lecturer in those fields.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Tanel Kerikmäe, Chief Strategist at TalTech Legal Lab, Director of Department of Law (TalTech Law School), Prof. of European Legal Policy and Law&Tech.

Please register yourself in HERE.

We kindly ask you to register by the 29th of October the latest.

The seminar will be held in a hybrid form, with the possibility of participating online as well.
