Tallinn University of Technology

On Wednesday, March 5, the Center for Responsible Economy and ESG was inaugurated at TalTech School of Business and Governance.

The center conducts, supports, and disseminates high-level research on sustainable economics, responsible management and technology, and critical issues related to climate change. It offers evidence-based approaches and stakeholder engagement opportunities for students, educators, business leaders, and policymakers.

The center was opened by Rector Tiit Land, who emphasized the importance of interdisciplinarity and collaboration between faculties. The substantive meanings of E, S, and G were introduced with short presentations. The center's collaboration plans were presented by its director, Associate Professor Merle Ojasoo. Guests bringing good wishes included the Vice-Rector for Research and Development, Erik Puura, and the Dean of the School of Business and Governance, Associate Professor Mari Avarmaa.

The center received good wishes from representatives of the European Innovation Academy, President Kaljulaid Foundation, and Swedbank, who expressed support for the center's ideology and readiness for effective collaboration.