Tallinn University of Technology

For me TalTech is a really youthful and entrepreneurial university and without a doubt a future oriented university. We have a lot of energy and readiness to take on challenges that the society is facing.

This is supported by our environment, the campus which allows to concentrate all the energy that we have here. What better breeding ground for new ideas and cooperation projects could we hope for? Looking from the students’ perspective – when adding an inspiring mentor or mentors to the mix, we get great student projects such as the student formula or the self-driving car, which allow the students to gain experience that they would not learn at lectures. This is all supported by the university’s excellent research infrastructure. 

TalTech has taken the role of being the pioneer for the green transition in Estonia, be it as an education provider, trainer of experts or developer of new technologies. Moreover, we have also committed ourselves to setting an example through changes in the working environment and working culture, to become more environment friendly. 

I was recalling before that while delivering an anniversary speech last year I posed the question whether the university would take on the challenges of the green transition. I am now extremely glad to see that the university has done exactly that. And what is even better – a new Vice-Rector for Green Transformation has taken office a week ago, whose leadership shall help focus the activities even better and help get even better results.