Tallinn University of Technology

Department of Law is delighted to announce that the project proposal "Building a Legislative Framework for Securing Georgia's Strategic Assets" received funding from Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under Development Cooperation programme.

The project will run for two years and involves Estonian Ministry of Defence, Economic Policy Research Centre (Georgia) and Tbilisi State University Law School as partners. Director of the project is Dr. Archil Chochia.

The project intends to introduce regulatory principles and legislative framework for the identification and protection of the critical infrastructure of Georgia, based on the experience of Estonia and rest of the EU. The primary task will be to elaborate modern criteria and legal framework to identify critical infrastructure and whose disruption or destruction would have a significant impact on Georgian national security. Then project will research and define general threats and risks to Georgia’s critical infrastructure. It will analyse related legal system in Georgia and propose solutions to fix identified gaps. Project will elaborate a workable pattern of distribution of the responsibilities and coordination between key stakeholders across public, private and academic circles. Finally, the project aims to contribute to the standard of teaching, research and analysis of legal aspects related to the national security at leading Georgian law school.

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