On Monday, 31 August, Professor Tiit Land took the oath of office as Rector of Tallinn University of Technology. President Kersti Kaljulaid officially invested the new Rector with the collar of office. Tiit Land is the 17th Rector of Tallinn University of Technology.
"I accept the post of Rector of Tallinn University of Technology with great anticipation and excitement. The university, like society as a whole, is facing difficult times, but the future also offers great opportunities, which we should use wisely. Tallinn University of Technology will continue to carry out its mission as the provider of engineering and economic education in Estonia, while fostering innovation and being and entrepreneural university for both students and society as a whole," the new Rector of Tallinn University of Technology Tiit Land said.
According to the President of the Republic of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, Tallinn University of Technology is of extraordinary significance for Estonia: "This is the place where all the persons who are responsible for the operation of the built environment in the broadest sense - those who make sure that houses remain standing, bridges last long, IT systems function effectively and efficiently and that Estonia would become climate-neutral without affecting customary security of supply, etc. can acquire their skills."
The Minister of Education and Research Mailis Reps wished the Rector every success in his new post. The state increasingly expects the universities to respond rapidly to changes and to lead innovation," Reps said. "There are high expectations: we need to carry out more intense cooperation with enterprises, facilitate the mobility of staff between the private and public sector, develop applied sciences. Many interesting and necessary challenges lie ahead for Tallinn University of Technology. I hope that in cooperation with the employers and professional associations we will soon establish an engineering academy."
Tiit Land took office as Rector of Tallinn University in 2011. In the years 2000-2006, he worked as Researcher and Associate Professor of Neurochemistry at Stockholm University, from 2007 as Professor of Chemistry at Tallinn University and in the years 2008-2011 held the post of Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Tallinn University.
Tiit Land points out in his electoral platform that as the Rector of Tallinn University of Technology he intends to pursue and achieve the mission and vision set out in the university's strategic plan for 2020. His goal is to improve the university's academic quality in the next five years, to increase the quality and volume of research and development, to initiate preparation of an action plan for implementation of the principles of internationalisation and sustainable development.
Tiit Land was elected Rector on 18 May by the Council of Tallinn University of Technology.