Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech, compared to some other universities in Estonia, stands out for our academic career management system supporting the self-development of our people. 

The financing of higher education has not increased over the last ten years, despite this, TalTech has managed to keep and even improve our strategic standing.

The TalTech Council comprises a large proportion of members elected from outside TalTech. This determines to a significant degree how open, how receptive we are to signals from the external environment. What I mean are the global challenges such as the green transition, energy transition, digitalisation. Precicely this management model supports us best, allows us to understand the trends and to move quickly in the direction that the society expects and needs from us.

The demand for our graduates on the labour market is worth highlighting. It is no secret that our graduates’ earnings are above the national average right after graduation. Our graduates are in great demand on the labour market and this is something that we can be very proud of. As an important initiative, TalTech has launched the industry PhD studies. Now, three or four years after it was launched, we are seeing the first fruits. PhD dissertations are defended, that offer solutions to specific problems faced by businesses or deemed important by the public sector. I personally believe that industry PhDs constitute an influential tool that we should use even more widely in the future. 

Renno Veinthal has been elected Deputy Secretary General for Research, Development, and Higher and Vocational Education Policy at the Ministry of Education and Research.