The Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology now hold the capacity to analyze gene expression from individual cells in a high throughput manner. During the summer a Chromium Controller from 10x Genomics was obtained. The instrument allows library preparation for this purpose. On October 19-20th the group members from bioinformatics and reproductive biology groups were trained to use the instrument by Adam Jerault, the representative of 10X Genomics.
During the successful training event sequencing libraries were performed from single cells isolated from human ovarian follicular fluid. Analyzing these cells aids to better differentiate the role of follicular cells in ovarian function and understand the reasons of variability in the success rates of female infertility treatments.
There is already the knowledge and expertise in single cell RNA sequencing data analysis available in the bioinformatics and reproductive biology groups. We are therefore open for collaborations with anyone interested in eukaryotic single cell gene expression.
The responsible person for the instrument is associate professor Agne Velthut-Meikas (
You can read more about the instrument and its applications on the webpage of 10X Genomics: