Tallinn University of Technology

In October 2023, two exciting scientific conferences took place: the 25th Annual Conference of the Estonian Society of Human Genetics in Rakvere and the Karl Ernst von Baer’s Seminar in Tartu. The reproductive biology research group also participated in both conferences.

Members of the reproductive biology research group participated in the conferences of the Estonian Society of Human Genetics and Karl Ernst von Baer, which were held in the autumn of 2023. Both conferences hosted over 200 participants each. Among them was Professor Agne Velthut-Meikas, who presented the group's latest research findings. In addition to the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to explore the poster presentation by doctoral student Inge Varik.

Reproduktiivbioloogia uurimisgrupi liikmed konverentsil
Members of the Reproductive Biology research group at the conference of the Estonian Society of Human Genetics

The Annual Conference of the Estonian Society of Human Genetics, held on October 19-20, brought together Estonian scientists and specialists from diverse research fields who continuously advance our knowledge in both genetics and medicine. It's important to emphasise that this is a one-of-a-kind scientific conference, where presentations are consistently delivered in Estonian, with no compromise in the quality of speakers and presentations. The reproductive biology research group contributed to the conference by sharing their research results and acquiring new knowledge.

Simultaneously, for the first time, the Karl Ernst von Baer Seminar took place at the University of Tartu's Genomics Institute. The seminar involved discussions on the latest scientific advancements in the fields of reproductive medicine, assisted reproductive technology, and embryology. The highlight of the event was the keynote speech by famous evolutionary developmental biologist Scott F. Gilbert, titled "Developmental Biology and Obstetrics: the Myths and the Science," in which he debunked widespread myths about fertilisation, the nature of genes, and the beginning of life.

Participation in the conferences provided specialists from various fields with the opportunity to exchange their knowledge and ideas, receive feedback and recommendations for further advancement, and foster new successful collaborations. It also served as an excellent opportunity for students to become familiar with the academic and professional community, broaden their horizons, and gain inspiration for bringing new ideas to life.

Master's degree student Katariina holds a special appreciation for expert discussions: "The most intriguing aspect of conferences is always the discussions that follow the presentations, where experts from various fields share their opinions and perspectives. Genetics is a highly relevant topic that impacts all of us, while embryology raises ethical questions and provokes contemplation on life in general."