Tallinn University of Technology

Interview with Roman Cole, student of TalTech International Business Administration Bachelor's Programme.

Roman Cole

You are from Canada. Why did you choose Estonia, this university and this programme?

I came first to Estonia to participate in a Russian language winter school at Tallinn University. I liked Estonia very much so after three weeks here I decided that I don't want to leave and I should find a university in Estonia. I studied fashion marketing in Canada for a while so I checked which universities offered marketing in Estonia and this is how I found TalTech.

Another reason was that already as a child I dreamt of living in Europe for a while where there are so many countries close to each other. I am from Toronto in South Canada. If I wanted to visit a Canadian city way up in the North, for example, it would cost as much as a plane ticket to Europe.

Who should choose this programme?

I believe that this programme is a good match for someone open to change in terms of both personal and academic growth. I planned to study marketing and now I study finance. I always thought I was not good at math. Then I took the basics of accounting and received the highest mark. I was surprised and continued to move forward on a more mathematical track. It seems I just needed the right teachers to unlock my math talent.

I plan to pursue my Master's degree in public administration. I had many classes on sustainability and I also took a course about circular economy which was very exciting. I am interested in sustainability and wish to work in this direction in the future.

How do you feel here in Estonia? What is similar or different from home?

I feel very comfortable. I don't feel out of place. I think Canadians and Estonians are very similar so I didn't have much to adapt to. I must say I like nature in Estonia more than in Canada - it is very green and alive.

What is the most important thing you have gained from your studies so far?

My self-esteem has improved a lot because during my studies I have realised that I have good academic capabilities in both studying and doing research. I didn't think that I had these capabilities before. I have also become more interested in learning more about the world. I have course mates from very different countries and I want to learn more about the countries they come from.

Are you satisfied with your studies? What is good and what could be improved?

I am satisfied with my studies. I am just waiting to get back in class. I believe everybody has become tired of online classes but that is currently inevitable everywhere in the world.

Please tell a bit more about your specialisation!

I chose finance but I am also doing a minor specialization by taking extra courses in law and international relations. I think more people could take advantage of this opportunity. I enjoy learning new things. Because of the pandemic, I am anyway at home so I might as well learn as much as I can.

The more courses I take, the more everything becomes connected in my mind. Law and finance are not that far from each other. I want to keep learning so I can experience more of this excitement of finding links between different disciplines.

What are your future plans?

I prefer to concentrate on my studies and not go to work yet. I am currently thinking to pursue my Master's degree in Tartu and stay in Estonia. My second option is the Czech Republic. I will go to the Czech Republic with Erasmus+ programme next semester, then I can decide if I like it more than Estonia or not.

What are your career goals?

I don't yet have very concrete career goals but I would probably like to do something related to ecology or agriculture or continue in the academic field and become a professor. My main aim is to have a helpful impact on the world.

Do you have recommendations for potential students?

I encourage being open to change – don't concentrate on only one career outcome. Choosing a minor specialization might be helpful to widen your horizon. Don't hesitate to interact with your teachers. If you are struggling with something ask them and they are happy to help. I also suggest paying attention to e-mails coming from the Dean's Office about different exciting projects. This is how I found out about the interesting circular economy course or how I became a TalTech student ambassador. This is why I participated in writing the students report to the international EFMD accreditation of my study programme. So stay curious, read the information the School provides and take advantage of your opportunities!

EFMD akrediteeringu logo
  • International Business Administration Bachelor's programme is EFMD accredited which means it belongs among approximately 170 top business and management programmes.
  • After graduation, You can work in the field of marketing, finance, accounting and human resources in businesses of different sectors. You also have the knowledge and skills to start your enterprise.
  • Tuition Fee: 3400 EUR/year for EU/EEA and non-EU
  • Specialisations: marketing, finance, entrepreneurship and management, accounting and business intelligence
  • International network: 25% of the student body of TalTech School of Business and Governance are foreign students from more than 70 countries.

Admission is open: taltech.ee/en/apply

About the programme: taltech.ee/en/business-ba