Tallinn University of Technology

The School of Business and Governance is very pleased and honored to announce the winners of the School's Award for the best Research Article of the year 2022.


The selection process was, as always, a truly challenging one. According to the Principles of acknowledgement in the School of Business and Governance, the prize is awarded for the 1.1 classification articles published during the previous calendar year, have been included in ETIS and have not been rewarded by the School or the University in last two years. As a rule, when giving the award the author has to hold at least 0.75 of workload in the School (the workload may be lower in case of PhD students). However this time, an exception to the general principles of the School was made for the authors of two articles published in the FT50+ journals. A separate prize is awarded for an article published in a high-impact journal related to the field of ethics, responsibility or sustainability. 

Our researchers have been productive and worked on a wide range of topics reflecting the processes in society and the economy. Our research articles have been published in various prestigious journals and publications. Thank you all for your excellent work!

The recipients of the School of Business and Governance Award for the best Research Article of the year 2022 are:

Tiina Randma-Liiv – Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tenured Full Professor, Vice-Dean for Research

"Adoption is not enough: Institutionalization of e-participation initiatives" (Public Policy and Administration)

Simona Ferraro – Department of Economics and Finance, Senior Lecturer

"Local governments’ efficiency and educational results: empirical evidence from Italian primary schools" (Applied Economics)

Laivi Laidroo – Department of Economics and Finance, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs

"Performance of FinTechs: Are founder characteristics important?" (Journal of East European Management Studies)

Mari Avarmaa – School of Business and Governance, Dean

"Performance of FinTechs: Are founder characteristics important?" (Journal of East European Management Studies)

Linda Desiree Hollebeek – Department of Business Administration, Adjunct Professor

"Moving the stakeholder journey forward" (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)

Wolfgang Johannes Max Drechsler – Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tenured Full Professor

"In the Semi‐Shadow of the Global West: Moroccan zawāyā as Good Public Administration" (Public Administration Review)

Mari Kurashvili – Department of Business Administration, Industrial Doctoral Student

"Managing an ageing healthcare workforce: a systematic literature review" (Journal of Health Organization and Management)

Karin Reinhold – Department of Business Administration, Associate Professor

"Managing an ageing healthcare workforce: a systematic literature review" (Journal of Health Organization and Management)

Marina Järvis – Department of Business Administration, Associate Professor

"Managing an ageing healthcare workforce: a systematic literature review" (Journal of Health Organization and Management)

Jelena Hartšenko – Department of Business Administration, Lecturer

"Occupational health care personnel tackling alcohol overuse – an observational study of work processes and patient characteristics" (BMC Public Health)

Kadri Männasoo - Department of Economics and Finance, Tenured Full Professor

"Working Hours and Gender Wage Differentials: Evidence from the American Working Conditions Survey" (Labour Economics)

Javad Keypour – Department of Law, Early-Stage Researcher

"Consolidating EU energy security by relying on energy de-politicisation" (European Security)

Sefik Istemihan Demirag – Department of Business Administration, Tenured Full Professor, Head of Research

"Testing times: governing a pandemic with numbers" (Accounting Auditing Accountability Journal)