Tallinn University of Technology

On 22 February, the festive meeting to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia was held, where, among the others, the best researchers, teaching staff members and students from the School of Business and Governance were awarded.

The best research articles of the year

Techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture possibilities for oil shale power plants. 

Authors: Artjom Saia; Dmitri Nešumajev; Aaro Hazak; Priit Sander; Oliver Järvik; Alar Konist. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 169, ARTN 112938. 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112938 (School of Business and Governance).

The article covers the field of engineering and technology, has been published in a high-ranking journal, and research focuses on the field relevant to the Estonian economy. The topicality of the research paper lies in energy security; its goal is to value natural resources better and more efficiently considering the green transition. The article is innovative in light of the applied sciences - both a technological and economic assessment of oil shale production on the application of the capabilities of CO2 capture; and also innovative at the conceptual level by making the evidence-based evaluation and discounting of the unit cost meet the specific circumstances of Estonia. The article has been published in the framework of three TalTech research grant projects, and five of the six authors are from TalTech. It is a bright example of successful cooperation between TalTech and the University of Tartu in researching a field relevant to society.

Do gender, age and education affect herding in the real estate market?

Authors:  Tõnn Talpsepp; Anne-Liis Tänav.  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 32, #100571. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbef.2021.100571. Aasta: 2021 (IF 8.222).  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2021.100571 . (School of Business and Governance - Esildis)

The best article in the field of social sciences and humanities represents a high-level empirical evidence-based, innovative research regarding the current financial and economic crisis and contributes to a better understanding of the economic and financial cycles in Estonia and outside. The authors have compiled a unique database and, according to extensive data, prove their hypotheses by employing modern empirical methods.

The teaching staff members of the year

Kristjan Liivamägi, a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance 

Kristjan regularly receives high feedback from his students. The largest lecture hall at the School of Business and Governance often cannot accommodate the students interested in listening to him, and they must sit on the stairs or stand in the back row. Kristjan is one of the most popular supervisors at the School. In addition to working at the university, Kristjan is an active author in business daily Äripäev and Investor Toomas Club - activities to help popularise his teaching and learning activities. Having a high working ability, he is also a happy and helpful colleague and a rock star in the students’ eyes.

Kristjan Liivamägi programmis töövarjupäeva kroon 2022
Kristjan Liivamägi

Kaidi Kallaste, a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration

Kaidi teaches courses on taxation, which, at first glance, do not make students’ eyes shine; therefore, she needs to work more than other top lecturers to win the students' hearts. Kaidi keeps thinking about developing taxation courses to deliver them better to her students. Legal acts serve as the core of her courses, but Kaidi can teach them interestingly and attractively, and thus they are highly valued among university students and lifelong learners.

Kaidi Kallaste
Kaidi Kallaste

Student initiative of the year

Initiating and conducting the TalTech Business Forum (Student Council of TalTech School of Business and Governance) 

Student initiative of the year is the conference held in the university Assembly Hall, which brought together several successful entrepreneurs, investors, experts and even more importantly, entrepreneurial students. The event will be held again in 2023 on a larger scale.  

Tudengid TalTech Business Forumil
TalTech Business Forum 2022 organisers (MTÜK)