Tallinn University of Technology

The School of Business and Governance is a good talent pool to find excellent new interns and employees. The School has a high admission threshold, so top minds from smart Estonian youngsters study here. Besides them, we have over 700 talented foreign students from more than 70 countries. They are an intellectual resource that more Estonian enterprises could benefit from.

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The easiest and quickest way to find new talents is to enter or upload your internship or job advertisement to our internship portal. It is for free and only takes a few minutes. Last academic year more than 200 job and internship ads were added to the portal by different ministries as well as big and small enterprised from Estonia and abroad, for example, Eesti Energia, Ernst & Young Baltic, Swedbank, Sorainen, Deloitte, Bolt, Wise, Finnair and many others.

Food Angels Ltd has shared their positive experience in Äripäev. By using the internship portal they found two hard-working students in their team. They assured that the process of entering their advertisement was quick and easy: ”We filled in a form online, where we described our enterprise and our wishes. A few days later our ad was active on the portal. Many students were interested and by now the candidates we chose have stayed with us for a longer run. Should we need helping hands again, we´ll repeat the same easy process. We recommend this portal to other employers as well.”

If any questions arise regarding internships or the portal, our internship coordinator Ivika Vilt is happy to help you.

Enter the portal