Tallinn University of Technology

The award of the Estonian Science Agency was presented on November 11 at the science communication conference "Science communication moves..."

Birgy Lorenz pälvis Eesti teaduse populariseerimise auhinna riiklikul konkursil II preemia kategoorias tegevused / tegevuste sarjad teaduse ja tehnoloogia populariseerimisel.
Birgy Lorenz, senior researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.

Birgy Lorenz, senior researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security of the Department of Software Science, received the Estonian science popularization award for the Cyberolympic project, which for over five years has contributed to the growth of young people's cyber awareness and interest in IT and related science.

The focus of Lorenz's work is supporting young people and schools in IT education and promoting cyber-safe behavior among students. A researcher who has educated tens of thousands of young people has said she is passionate about studying and influencing youth cyber behaviour. Birgy Lorenz is driven by interactive teaching, in which all teachers and lecturers would like to be successful, and ethical behavior both as a researcher and as a person.

 It is under her guidance and with the support of the Ministry of Defense that the Cyberspike competition for school students will take place at the beginning of December. You can register for this year's competition "Year 2007. Bronze Night simulation - cyber attacks against Estonia" until November 27.

In addition to Cyberspike, Birgy also organizes other competitions, and over the past five years, 75 thousand young people have already participated in these competitions and programs, as well as creating syllabuses, educational materials and games. She leads the IT Didactics Center and the Academic Ethics Committee at TalTech. She is the founder and board member of the Estonian Informatics Teachers' Society, on the board of the Estonian Data Protection Association, a teacher at Pelgulinna Gymnasium and IT development manager. For years, she has taken Estonian talents to foreign competitions such as the European Cyber Security Challenge, Cyber Patriot (USA), Magic CTF (USA).

A more comprehensive overview of Birgy Lorenz's activities can be obtained from the Estonian Research Information System.