Tallinn University of Technology

Four (out of 28) research projects from TalTech were accepted from the second round of EMP Baltic research cooperation. The second round took place in Lithuania. 

TalTech projects that were green-lighted:  

„Industrial Internet methods for electrical energy conversion systems monitoring and diagnostics“ (professor Anouar Belahcen), 

„Micro-level responses to socio-economic challenges in face of global uncertainties“ (professor Kadri Männasoo), 

„Advancing human performance in cybersecurity“ (professor Olaf Maennel), 

„Development of Semi-Transparent Bifacial Thin Film Solar Cells for Innovative Applications“ (professor Ilona Oja Açik). 

Altogether 11 projects are being funded with more than 10 million Euros in total.  

Baltic research cooperation is funded by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Its goal is to pave way to sustainable and high level research consortiums to solve challenges in the region.   

More info: https://www.lmt.lt/en/news/11-baltic-research-projects-led-by-lithuanian-scientists-receive-more-than-10-million-euros/3543 

All the projects submitted: https://www.lmt.lt/en/international-cooperation-programmes/baltic-research-programme/the-results-of-the-call-for-proposals-in-lithuania/3422 

Contact: Marika Lunden, marika.lunden@taltech.ee 

Kontakt TalTechi teadusosakonnast Marika Lunden, marika.lunden@taltech.ee