Tallinn University of Technology

At the virtual seminar titled ‘Green Economy Transition – What to Expect?’ hosted by the Tallinn University of Technology, serious issues related to the future of the European economy were discussed, particularly global supply chains, the need for mineral resources, circular economy, and green transition solutions that would be beneficial for both the people, enterprises and environment.

Seminar "Majanduse rohepööre"

‘The aim of the seminar is to open up a research-based debate on what options are available to Estonia in the different sectors of the economy,’ said Vice-Rector for Green Transformation Helen Sooväli-Sepping who moderated the forum. ‘It is also always crucial to ask and explain what the cost of the green transition is and what the exact points of contact between entrepreneurs and researchers are in this rapidly evolving economic environment that requires adaptation.’

Here are, among others, some noteworthy statements made at the seminar:

  • ‘If all inhabitants of the planet consumed as much as the citizens of the richest countries, the equivalent of 1.6 Earths would be needed to sustain them.’
  • ‘European countries import 75%, in some cases even 100%, of the metals needed for green transition.’
  • ‘Currently, eight out of ten solar panels are produced in China.’
  • ‘Estonia is one of the top five European countries where passenger cars with large engines are still preferred.’
  • ‘The current pace of apartment block renovations should be tripled.’
  • ‘Estonia could become a green country with a digital foundation.’

The keynote speaker of the seminar was Maive Rute, a member of the Council of the Tallinn University of Technology and Deputy Director-General for Industry, Internal Market, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) at the European Commission, other speakers included academician Jarek Kurnitski, Head of the Research Group for Mineral Resources and Applied Geology at TalTech Rutt Hints, as well as researcher and entrepreneur Marek Tiits. You can watch the seminar HERE.


The Science Afternoon ‘Green Transition in European Industry: from Critical Mineral Resources to Green Technologies’ held by the Estonian Academy of Sciences the following day focused largely on similar topics and also included Maive Rute, Rutt Hints and Helen Sooväli-Sepping.