Tallinn University of Technology

Jaagup Tuisk, a student at TalTech’s School of Business and Governance, talks about how each of us can present our ideas and opinions to the European Union and thus help develop the future of Europe.

Do you have any ideas on how to steer the world towards climate neutrality? Or an opinion on how to make better use of artificial intelligence in our daily lives? Or would you like to hear more about the working life of the future? If so, the conference discussing the future of Europe is addressed to you.

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique opportunity for Europeans to come together and discuss the challenges and priorities that Europe is facing. No matter what your profession or where you live, or how specific or global your idea is, the conference is the right place to discuss and contribute to our common future.

Your opinions and ideas can be submitted (even in Estonian) on a digital platform, which is the so-called focal point of the pan-European conference. In addition to sharing your own thoughts, the platform allows you to comment on other people’s ideas, find information about events taking place near you and also participate in the events digitally, organise your own events as well as follow the progress and results of the conference. The ideas submitted to the digital platform will be collected periodically, analysed and published as interim reports throughout the conference. The feedback mechanism ensures that specific recommendations for EU action are made on the basis of ideas expressed at the conference events. The final report of the conference will be presented in spring 2022.

Make your voice heard at futureu.europa.eu/pages/getinvolved