Student of the Year 2019: Rico Jaanipere

Photo: ABB
Rico is a student at the School of Engineering and captain of the Formula Student Team Tallinn electric formula team. He has been instrumental in building, leading, and launching Estonia’s first self-driving student formula team, and has attracted a large amount of private business finance. He has made changes to make the whole team more professional and members are leaving with even greater competitiveness from there, leading the team to competition results that had never been achieved before. He still sets a very good example for other team members. In addition, Rico promotes Tallinn University of Technology in rural areas outside Tallinn.
The student deed of the year 2019 is the Flower Scholarship of the School of Business and Governance

Photo: School of Business and Governance
In spring 2019, the Student Council of TalTech School of Economics, in collaboration with the Dean’s Office, launched a scholarship campaign which invites friends and loved ones of the graduates to donate the sum planned for flowers to a scholarship fund which will support the study of future students. The graduate gives up flowers but will receive a donation badge ‘Sigma’. The donation is made on behalf of the graduate and the School of Economics doubles the amount of donations collected.
Each scholarship is worth 1,000 euros and the maximum number of scholarships will be awarded based on the amount received.
Student scholarships of the School of Business and Governance aim to create the best opportunities for students to focus on their studies and thereby ensure sustainable development of the economics field in Estonia. The scholarship supports students with active lifestyle who also contribute to student life. The project is a very good example of cooperation between students and with the faculty.