Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli tootearenduse ja tootmistehnika tudengid projekteerivad ja ehitavad Robotexiks meeleoluka lauajalgpalli TiltBall.

Tiltball game

"In addition to the fun of playing, TiltBall also proovides nice light and sound effects, automatic ball return and scoring,” said Henri Palm, a student of product development and engineering. He explained that the game is dynamic because the board tilts from side to side during the play according to the score. TiltBall can be played with up to four people.

It is intended in the Product Development curriculum to design and build an innovative product throughout the course that will popularise engineering education. In addition to engineering, the students are also involved in marketing, finance and construction. "Today's mechanical engineer is also proficient in electronics, programming, design and entrepreneurship," emphasised Palm.

"The project provides a proper teamwork experience because there is much work and many areas - electronics, mechanics, informatics, design, materials science and production technologies," said Palm. The production equipment programs are made by the students themselves, and so are many of the details. Collaboration is performed with companies that support students with components and fabrication. The construction takes place in the workshop and laboratories of the TalTech Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

“The influx of new ideas and concepts, which seems increasingly impossible every year, is impressive. Bold start is a sure win,” said Toivo Tähemaa, a TalTech researcher. “A game that has never been tried before, always attracts school children. This time, Robotex promises a serious reliability test for the device,” added Tähemaa.

Created by TalTech engineering students, the mechatronic table football game is open to everyone at the biggest robotics festival on the planet, Robotex, from November 29 to December 1 at Saku Suurhall.
