Tallinn University of Technology

The TalTech School of Business and Governance team reached the final of the CFA Reasearch Challenge with three other recognised universities: Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Turku.

Picture of CFA Research Challenge.

Students had to analyse a real company and make an investment report with investment advice (buy, hold or sell company capital). Students had to do the same tasks that research analysts actually do.

For the first time in history, the TalTech team participated. In the first round, the TalTech team competed against 7 teams. Four teams advanced, including TalTech. The final was won by the University of Turku.

The TalTech team included Artur Kohv, Veronika Matrossova, Helen Paltser and Marianne Aaro.

CFA Reasearch Challenge is an annual international competition for finance students organised by the CFA Institute. The local finals were held by CFA Society Finland. It was held on February 27, 2020 at Camp Paavo Nurmi Cabinet Hotel, Helsinki.