Tallinn University of Technology

Do you want to become a lawyer who is comfortable to deal with EU and International Law? We are offering a law programme that enables you to specialise on EU and International law. Beside general knowledge on the main brances of law, for example civil, criminal and constitutional law (taught in a comparative method), the main attention is in the programme on EU and International law.

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Learning in a multi-cultural environment is guided by the high-qualified academics and experienced professionals from all around the world. Small groups allow student-oriented teaching and a lot of discussions in the classroom. International classroom teaches to learn the different cultures and legal regulations. Erasmus student Exchange with top European universities expands your international practice even more.

If you like to explore the impact of disruptive innovations on global communities, want to get an excellent job offer in a transnational corporation, international organisation, EU institution or public sector and are eager to study in an English-speaking environment, then this programme is suitable for you.

Read more about the programme

Kristi Joamets
Programme manager Kristi Joamets