To identify and better understand the challenges we face in society today and tomorrow, the EuroTeQ Engineering University is organising the first EuroTeQ Collider in spring 2022.
To address the project challenges and develop viable solutions for a sustainable future, interdisciplinary and international teams composed of students, vocational trainees, young professionals and lifelong learners will collaborate during the EuroTeQ Collider phase.
Building on the functioning of a particle collider, we believe that the most creative and innovative solutions often emerge from the collision of ideas from a diverse group. In addition, diverse teams allow all team members to learn from each other and gain new, additional skills.
The Collider is a challenge-based learning activity which takes place at all EuroTeQ partners in the form of project weeks. The programme of these weeks is co-created with industry partners, start-ups, teachers and students at each institution.
To ensure that the Collider is firmly anchored in the interests and concerns of all, our Call for Ideas will collect your feedback before designing the different Collider challenges. This way, you can be involved from the starting point! All projects are tied to a central theme: "Leave no waste behind".
Submit your ideas now!
Now it is up to you! Everyone can propose their wish for an idea in relation to the Collider’s theme. Your ideas can relate to any aspects of the future YOU desire as long as you consider we will then “leave no waste behind”. You choose an area from your personal, academic or professional interests including hobbies, passion projects and industry sectors and let your imagination be creative about any technology, tools, services, processes, organization or human behaviour. Our EuroTeQ pedagogical teams then formulate interesting, real-life challenges for you to work on in the EuroTeQ Collider next spring.
Enter your ideas to our questionnaire by October 31, 2021.
The Call for Ideas is your opportunity to contribute to the realization of the future YOU desire. By expressing your opinion on what this desirable future should be and the ideas you pitch to us, you will directly shape a new learning offer.
Please note that you can enter an idea, without participating in the Collider project-weeks next year. Your input is appreciated at this stage – and you still have time to decide if you will join us. You can apply for participation in the different challenges as early as January 2022.