Tallinn University of Technology

Findings by the Research Group have been highlighted by prominent international conferences.

Agne konverentsil legobeebidega
Agne with some Lego babies at the conference

Associate professor Agne Velthut-Meikas and PhD student Kristine Roos from the Reproductive Biology Research Group visited the face-to-face annual conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) in Milan over the long pandemic years. As a positive surprise, both of our research posters were selected for an oral presentation enabled to introduce the results and get feedback from other experts in reproductive biology.

This is a great recognition, as the ESHRE annual conference is the biggest in the world in the field of reproductive biology and medicine and thousands of scientific abstracts are submitted for poster presentations. There are on average 10 000 participants at the conference each year.

In addition, a scientific poster co-authored by Agne Velthut-Meikas travelled over to the USA to be presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Mammalian Reproduction.

Agne ja Kristine teaduspostriga
Agne and Kristine with one of their research posters
Kristine Milanos esitlust andmas
Kristine giving a presentation in Milan