Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology highly recommends its students and employees who have not yet been vaccinated to do so.


Hendrik Voll, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at TalTech, emphasises that the more  employees and students who have been vaccinated at the university, the more likely it is to keep the university open to students: ‘In this way, classroom training is possible, which is highly necessary considering the more applied specifics of the university of technology.’

Director for Facilities Management Aivar Uutar adds: ‘Timely vaccination is especially important for our new students, both Estonian and foreign citizens, so that they will be able to commit to their studies as much as possible. And this will also enable us to hold first-year student welcoming events and other social gatherings that are part of a fully fledged student life.’

Reasons to get vaccinated:

• the likelihood of (severe) illness decreases

• classroom training (lectures, seminars, exercises, consultations) can be conducted

• the need for self-isolation decreases

• the library and sports club remain open

• possible to travel for business

• performing arts (choir or dance practice) can take place

• possible to hold first-year student welcoming events and other social gatherings

• the number of sick days decreases

NB! The Government of the Republic plans different opportunities for participation in work and study depending on whether a person is protected against the virus either through vaccination or previous COVID-19 transmission. It is important for the stable operation of the university that its membership is vaccinated.

A vaccination appointment can be booked through the digital registry