Tallinn University of Technology

Estonian Association of Engineers is organizing a competition to find the "Engineer of the Year" and "Engineering Student of the Year". You can submit candidacy for yourself or either somebody else. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of November. 

Conditions of the candidacy submissions:

Engineer of the Year –  Master's degree in engineering or Bachelor's degree equal with it; 5-year study diploma; 4-year applied sciences degree and at least 10 years of experience in the field.

Student of the Year – Engineering studies in either bachelor, master, doctoral level or applied sciences.

evaluation criteria: 75% - outstanding engineering achievents in either work or study environment; 25% - outstanding achievents in engineering outside the work or study environment (hobby groups, tutoring, organizations etc).

CV together with education/work description and a cover letter has to be sent to konkurss(at)insener.ee by latest 20.11.2020

The winners will be announced in December. An interview by Director+Inseneria magazine will also be conducted with the winners. 

Engineer of the Year 2019

ARNO KÜTT – Cleveron Chairman of the Board.

Engineering Student of the Year 2019

KERDO KÜTT – Cum Laude graduate of Tallinn University of Applied Sciences' Department of Civil Engineering.