Tallinn University of Technology

At the ceremony held in celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn University of Technology recognised its best researchers, lecturers, and support staff of 2020, noted the best authors of research articles and students, and announced the Cultural-, Sports- and Student Act of the Year.

TalTech's Researcher of the Year 2020 is Margus Viigimaa, professor at the Department of Health Technologies of the School of Information Technology, and Junior Researcher of the Year is Juri Belikov, professor at the Institute of Software Science of the School of Information Technology.

TalTech's best research articles of 2020:

In the field of natural, exact and health sciences:
Tatsiana Dalidovich, Kamini A. Mishra, Tatsiana Shalima, Marina Kudrjašova, Dzmitry G. Kananovich, Riina Aav

Mechanochemical Synthesis of Amides with Uronium-Based Coupling Reagents: A Method for Hexa-Amidation of Biotin[6]uril. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2020, 8, 41, 15703–15715.

In the field of engineering and technology:
Alar Konist, Oliver Järvik, Heliis Pikkor, Dmitri Nešumajev, Tõnu Pihu
(2019). Utilization of Pyrolytic Wastewater in Oil Shale Fired CFBC Boiler. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 487−493;

Pramod M. Rajanna, Hosni Meddeb, Oleg Sergeev, Alexey P. Tsapenko, Sergei Bereznev, Martin Vehse, Olga Volobujeva, Mati Danilson, Peter D. Lund, Albert G. Nasibulin (2020). Rational Design of Highly Efficient Flexible and Transparent P-Type Composite Electrode Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Energy, 67 (104183), 1−9.

In the field of social sciences and humanities:
Susanne Durst, Malgorzata Zieba
(2020). Knowledge Risks Inherent in Business Sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251.

TalTech's best development works of 2020:

I place – development work “Aordi tsentraalse vererõhukõvera mitteinvasiivne mõõtesensor” (The Noninvasive Measurement Sensor of Central Aortic Blood Pressure Waveform), research group consisting of Mart Min, Andrei Krivošei, Marek Rist, Margus Metshein, Eiko Priidel, and Jaan Ojarand;

II place – development work “Nutikas tootmine ja digitaalsed kaksikud: iseliikuv robotsõiduk Boxbot tootmise logistikas” (Smart Production and Digital Twins: a Self-Propelled Robotic Vehicle Boxbot for Production Logistics), research group consisting of Kristo Karjust, Raivo Sell, Tauno Otto, Martin Eerme, Martin Pärn, Vladimir Kuts, Heiko Pikner, Tarmo Velsker, Maarjus Kirs, Janno Nõu, Ehsan Malayjerdi, Tõnis Raamets, Aigar Hermaste, and Kashif Mahmood;

III place – development work “Päikeseelektrit tootvate teekatendite arendamine ja kasutuselevõtt” (Development and Introduction of Solar Pavements), research group consisting of Allan Lahi, Arvo Mere, Viktoria Gudkova, Mihkel Viirsalu, Veljo Sinivee, Ain Kendra, and Robert Belagryan.

TalTech's best lecturers of 2020 were:
Heino Punab, lecturer at the Shipping Centre of the Estonian Maritime Academy;
Innar Liiv, associate professor at the Department of Software Science;
Yannick Le Moullec, professor at the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics of the School of Information Technologies;
Ivo Fridolin, professor at the Department of Health Technologies of the School of Information Technologies;
Andres Krumme, professor at the Department of Material and Environmental Technology of the School of Engineering;
Hans Rämmal, associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the School of Engineering;
Veronika Shirokova, senior lecturer at the Virumaa College of the School of Engineering;
Maria Kuhtinskaja, associate professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology of the School of Science;
Kirsti Rumma, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance of the School of Economics;
Jana Kukk, senior lecturer at the Department of Business Administration of the School of Business and Governance.

TalTech's best programme directors of 2020 were:
Marina Trapido, programme director at the Department of Material and Environmental Technology of the School of Engineering;
Raavo Josepson, programme director at the Department of Cybernetics of the School of Science;
Tarvo Niine, programme director at the Department of Business Administration of the School of Business and Governance.

TalTech's best support staff of 2020:
Ruth Kulbas, assistant to manager at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the School of Engineering;
Georg Logins, chief real estate officer;
Eveli Kobar, head of the Procurement Division of the Finance Office;
Anne Muldme, head of the Marketing and Communications Office;
Barbara Hein, specialist at the Admission and Student Counselling Centre.

TalTech's student of 2020 was Yazeed Haddad, who has primarily excelled in the maintenance of and working in international relations.

Student Act of 2020 was the development of an online platform for Student Union projects and annual grants by Krõõt Grete Mänd, Raimond Lume, and Lauri Kukk.

Sports Act of 2020 was Kärol Soodla, who achieved first place at the European Water Motorsport Championships in the GT-30 boat class.

The 2020 Cultural Act of the Technical University was first place by the Tallinn University of Technology Wind Band in the highest class of the National Wind Band Competition.